Harnessing the Power of CRE's Future Leaders
Sep 28, 2021It was a pleasure speaking on the "Harnessing the Power of CRE’s Future Leaders" #bestpractices panel discussion with Obie Walli, David Prior, and Trent Scott, CCIM this past weekend at the 2021 Fall Summit.
We talked about what it takes to develop and maximize the talents of CRE’s future leaders, how to effectively structure business succession to the next generation, and more.
Enjoyed the active dialogue amongst our CORFAC International peers!
A big thank you to Jonathan Salk, Diann Harris, and Jennifer Norbut for all your hard work in getting us back together in-person, and also to Joseph Latina for his strong leadership as president this past year!
#CORFAC #thinkCORFACfirst #teambuilding #wealthcreation #brokerdevelopment
Dealius The Klabin Company First Capital Property Group, Inc., AMO®| CORFAC International The Garibaldi Group